Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Peak

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

We went to the highest place on Hong Kong Island called The Peak. You have to take a tram that goes straight up the mountain. At the top are shops and trails and look-out points and a playground. The girls had a great time seeing Hong Kong from so high up, and they always love a good playground. Jay and I just couldn’t get enough of the views from the playground. (click here to view pictures.)

We had such a wonderful day and turned to God in thanksgiving. I am seeing more and more that all good things really do come from God. We can try to make some good things happen in our lives. But when we are at a place with no control or understanding (like in a foreign country with a foreign language and culture), it is so easy to see the hand of the Lord – good things in the midst of a hard world. God gave me a love for travel and other places and peoples. But living overseas is also the hottest furnace I’ve known – and I thank Him for loving me to make me into something pure and holy for His glory. I’ve been thinking why I always want to go to new places and foreign lands when that is the very place of struggle, where I come to the end of myself and all is really stripped away. I guess, I love adventure and a good romantic journey – and that is what the Christian life is to the fullest. And it really does have a secure and happy ending! I can sometimes glimpse a vision of a life lived completely sold out for God totally for His glory and walking in His will. And the desire to have that life and to intimately know my Maker and to share His salvation that others might have this adventure, too – that is why I choose the furnace. And only by God’s grace and mercy am I able to stay and to stand it during the hard times. For He is good and all good things, truly good things, really do come from Him.

Removing the High Places

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

In the view from our living room, we look out over the bay and see the Kowloon side of Hong Kong.  Behind the tall buildings are even taller mountains.  On top of these mountains are small structures.  I believe some of these are observatories while others are possibly shrines or temples.  (For the sake of this blog, we will say they are shrines.) Over the past few weeks I have been reading through 1 and 2 Kings.  I admit that I usually skim the last part of 2 Kings because it seems like it is saying the same thing because all of the kings of Israel did horrible things while the kings of Judah averaged around 50%.  This time around something caught my eye.  For the kings of Judah you had some who chose the way of the kings of Israel, but others who did right in the eyes of God.  Although a few did right in the eyes of the Lord they still were not completely obedient. For example, in 2 Kings 15 verses 4-6 we see that Azariah reigned 52 years in Jerusalem and he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  Then you see another common verse, “nevertheless, the high places were not taken away. The people still sacrificed and made offerings on the high places.” These were not sacrifices to Jehovah, but to other gods that were initiated back with Solomon due to him trying to please 300 wives. 

Ok, what does this mean? The other day I looked out and saw the shrines on the mountains across the bay.  I thought about the struggles we have experienced over the past three months of selling cars, moving to a temporary house, storage, flying overseas, starting a company overseas, etc and etc, and I thought why has this been so hard.  In the midst of this very uncomfortable journey, it jarred my eyes so that I began seeing things in my life.  Even though I was like Azariah and did things right in the eyes of the Lord, I was still not being a leader that challenged myself to take away the high places.  I started to see that I had so many little gods in my life that were controlling how I made decisions, placed my hope and trust, and whom I even worshiped at times.  As our loving Father began stripping me of my comforts I recognized these gods.  The bible tells us that God is making us to be crucibles of silver that are pure and without defect.  In order to make silver you have to produce a very hot furnace for a long period.  I see now that I need the furnace to be hot to melt away the filth of the world and to be able to worship, adore and abide in my Savior in the way that He desires.  We serve a very jealous God who does not share His children with no one.  So in order to take away those high places He sends trials that point us to our Hope. (In my mind I am thinking that the jackhammer that continues to work above our apartment seemed a little over the top, but God knows best. haha)

I pray that we all become like Josiah and tear down the shrines on the high places (2 Kings 23) and was written “Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses, nor did any like him arise after him.”

Blessings, Jay

Visa Woes

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

We continue to have delays and obstacles getting permanent work visas. We feel like Paul right now when he was detained in some countries and not allowed into others. We are doing our part and jumping through all the hoops, and then we wait on God in His greater wisdom to direct our path. Pray for His will to be done in the situation.

Our daddy fish was so distraught to hear about our visa problems that he jumped right out of the bowl (which was prophesied by Carolyn). Fortunately, I was walking by when it happened so I engaged my emergency skills and got a napkin (couldn’t fathom actually touching it) and scooped him back into the bowl. So far, he is doing fine. We did lose a baby though, so we are down to six. I can’t tell if they are eating the food or if they are getting enough of anything because they are so tiny, you can’t really see them well. Sarah said that the fish jumped out because he just wanted to come out and play.

The rain continues here daily. But I hear that y’all can identify in Texas with all the rain there, too. Without a car, we are confined to the 1000 sq. ft. grounds most of the time which makes for many interesting family dynamics. The girls (and us) are still processing a lot of emotions of living in a foreign Asian culture. Pray for all of us to have hearts full of God’s love for the people here.

We’re in!

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Sarah Grace had her interview today for the British School here, and she was accepted! First, I can’t believe there is an interview for kindergarten, and second, I have not had time to prepare to let Sarah go off to school. In the states, we would have had one more year. But here, anyone born in 2002 starts school in August. I feel like I need to pour into her everything I can think of this summer – and time is running out! They don’t call it kindergarten but Primary 1, and this school goes all the way up to 6th grade. It is near our house and actually is at the top of the mountain that we live on in a cul de sac surrounded by mountainous wilderness. None of these things help to decrease my worry except for the fact that it is near to our house. I know many of you are thinking how lovely it would be to walk her to school everyday. It is straight up a mountain for over a mile in total humidity and high heat – I’m going to have to sleep on this one. You can’t drive there due to the high traffic (and not many have cars) so most take the school bus(large charter buses). We’ll see. The curriculum is British, so Sarah will end up with a British accent, call a flashlight a torch and the trash can a rubbish bin, and know nothing about Sam Houston or Abraham Lincoln. Looks like there might be a tiny bit of homeschool supplementation in my future. click here to see more pictures.

We are having some good opportunities to get to know our neighbors. With over 14 public holidays a year here where people are off work and business halts, there seems to always be a chance to celebrate. We recently went out with two neighbor families for the Tuen Ng (Dragon Boat Fesitival) Holiday. We went to a Southeast Asian Restuarant. The kids had a fun time being together. I just tried to stay away from eating anything that was either looking back at me or that was floating in unknown murky water. We all had a really good time.


Thursday, June 21st, 2007

Ms. Gail Maidment, a beautiful, confident woman with an evangelical heart for God, left Australia 20 years ago with YWAM (Youth with a Mission) and came to Hong Kong. As she ministered here, she felt God calling her to start a Christian preschool, a rarity in this part of the world. Today, Ms. Gail is the principal of Small World Christian School. She has never married and has poured her life out as an offering for the Lord, and the lives of many children and parents have been blessed because if it. We found this school through some fellow Christians when we arrived, and Sarah Grace would say it has been one of the best parts of her time here so far. (Mommy would say it has been a godsend, as well!) And this week, she had her preschool graduation. She will be going to primary school next year (if all goes well with the interview on Tuesday). It was fun to see her so excited with all of her friends. She has been expressing some culture shock in her own way lately. She told me that she doesn’t like it when people speak Chinese words over and over but that she wants to go to Texas where they speak normal words. My Chinese neighbor told me that when Sarah was over there playing and the mom asked if she wanted something to eat, Sarah said, “Yes, but no Chinese food.” Most of the kids speak some English though, and she really likes to play with the new friends that she has made. We are all adjusting and trying to be sensitive to each other’s struggles.(Click Here to view pictures)

Hannah and I are sick right now and taking antibiotics. Taking her to the doctor was an experience – I called the office and the lady said, “No more appointments today and no one in office afternoon.” With Hannah’s fever and white spots on her throat, I thought I should try hard to get in, so I asked, ” When can I come?” The lady said that walking in is fine, but there are just no more appointments, and they close at 12:45pm. Wow!, I asked our neighbor to take Sarah to the bus and rushed Hannah to the doctor. When we walked in, we were put right into the line-up. It was great!(who needs appointments!) As we sat in the waiting room, I had to keep an eye on Hannah because apparently the doctor’s office is also the pharmacy and the receptionist is also the pharmacists. There were medicines everywhere – on the floor, under the table, beside the chairs, on open shelves. And they were in large quantities. Of course, the office was as big as a normal-sized bathroom. But it was very convenient to see the doctor, get a diagnosis and get the medicine (mixed by the receptionist) all in the same place and within 30 minutes.

Fish update:Our fish are still thriving, and all 7 babies are growing by the day.

Thanks to all who have sent care packages. We check the mail a lot in hopes of fun things from America – you know, like tortillas! And if anyone can figure out a way to send real chedder cheese, let me know.