Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sai Kung

Monday, August 27th, 2007

We took an adventure trip to a hundred year-old coastal village called Sai Kung. It was nice to get away from the city and enjoy the village pace. We saw tons of sea creatures of which we didn’t even know the names, and we took a sampan boat to Ma Shun island to play in the sand and swim around in the water. It was so beautiful with so many islands popping out of the China Sea. This family outing did actually bring a big issue to the forefront for me. In Hong Kong there are so many people in such tight quarters (very little land space on very little islands) that thinking about the individual is disregarded because it just takes so much energy and seems impossible in light of the masses. So, the culture is passive aggressive which shows up in the work place, in families, and in the public transport (the hardest one for me).  The subway system (MTR) has very few turnstile areas for strollers or wheelchairs and very few elevators as well but many escalators.  Also, seats on the MTR are hard to come by at times. Most people avoid looking at me (as I push the double stroller of two preschoolers) while cutting me off as I try to get in the elevator or while pushing past me to get the only available train seat or running up ahead of me to get in the line of people with nothing in their hands who want to go through  the big turnstile instead of going through any of the 12 other normal-sized ones. Even when walking, people will come straight for you as they look down texting on their phone so that you have to go out of your way with the double stroller to miss them and then try to maneuver the big stroller up or down (scary) the escalator because the elevator was taken twice now by individuals with no reason to take it over the escalator.  Since we are daily on public transport, I have had some frustration building up that has turned to anger and bitterness. God used our trip to Sai Kung, some scripture and recent devotions to remind me of His grace to us. We are so undeserving and so despicable at times, yet Jesus died that we might live and He sends us new mercies each morning to offer us an abundant life.  With his last breaths, he said to forgive those crucifying him because they didn’t know what they were doing! And I have trouble showing grace and love to the Chinese woman who took the last seat on the MTR or the man who cut me off from getting into the elevator. If we who love the Lord can’t show His love to the lost, how will they know of His salvation? Shine through me, Lamb of God. Love through me that all may see – the glory of the Lord. (Click here to view pictures.)

Three Countries and a New Island

Friday, August 10th, 2007

“Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, only what is helpful in building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

I have heard this verse or read it or even referred to it I don’t know how many times. And today it is like I see it for the first time – if I put this up against my life, I don’t make a very good grade. Something so fundamental to the Christian life, seemingly small and taken for granted. Yet, it feels impossible to live up to (especially with two preschoolers by your side 24/7) Thank the Lord for his grace and the empowering by the Holy Spirit. (click here to view pictures)

Now for logistics – in the last two weeks we have been to mainland China to see the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and yes, Walmart in Beijing. You knew I would find out if the rumors were true – it does exist in China and it does have some hints of a normal American Walmart. Just close your eyes to the locals slinging around the have-live large squids and other various sea creatures on ice. We visited the silk market and ate Peking Duck (a whole deep fried duck) and filled our longing for home by finding TGIF’s and a DQ (of sorts). We even found a church to go to on Sunday in Beijing, but the sign out front stated that you had to show your foreign passport to get in.(See the pictures.) It broke my heart to see such restriction of the Gospel. I thanked the Lord again for my freedoms.

When we got back to Hong Kong, we found that our residential visas were finally approved which meant we had to leave the country again in order to re-enter which would activate our Hong Kong visas. So, we took a very fast boat to Macau, known for its casinos and European feel. We liked touring the various cathedrals and European alleyways, and we even found a great little Italian Cafe. Macau is a funny place because all of the people are Chinese and the language is Cantonese, yet until recently, it was held by the Portuguese so it feels European in a lot of ways. We spent several hours there and then took the boat back to Hong Kong so we could pack up – to move.

Yes, we are truly like the Hong Kong people now as they pick up and move quite often. The community here is very transient since land is scarce and you can only sign a lease for a 2 year max and then rents get raised so people have to move. It is an exhausting cycle. We are happy to leave the jackhammering on our ceiling but sad to leave our friends in our apartment tower. The two families on our 8th floor had a going away party/Jay’s birthday party for us before we moved. It brought us joy that we have been blessed with such good relationships so quickly with our neighbors.

We have now moved out to another island of Hong Kong called Lantau. It is a bit isolated but we have a great view of the South China Sea and a handful of unihabited islands. I pray that the Lord establishes us here quickly. We are learning to trust him if for no other reason than we have no alternative. It is a no brainer when you are on an isolated island in the China Sea out with two small children during your first major typhoon – trusting the Lord comes naturally at that point (and praying and a few heart palpitations, too).

The Lord might have had to take me to China to mold my heart as he intends it to be, and I am so glad he loves us enough to go to such great lengths for our own good. I pray you will turn to Him in even the slightest worry today and trust Him.

Cheung Chau Island Adventure

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

Hong Kong is made up of a few hundred islands. While we will never get to all them, we did take a boat to one of the outlying islands in the South China Sea. Our next door neighbors came with us, and we were glad to have them as they are from Hong Kong and have two kids, Stanely age 4.5 and Suki age 5.5.(click here to view pictures)

The island has the basic Taoist temple and fishing boats, no cars allowed and beautiful beaches. This one even had a pirate cave on one end of the island, so we took a little boat to find it. It felt like it was over 100 degrees most of the day and with no transportation, we were exhausted by the time the day was over.

We just tried our hardest to be a godly witness to our neighbors and show Jesus’ love to them and each other:) When we were looking at one of the Taoist temples, the people were bowing and lighting the incense sticks and Sarah loudly proclaimed that they were worshipping the pretend god and that Jesus is the real God. We were glad to see another prophet in the family, but we did have a little talk about sensitivity.

We pray our neighbors, along with many here in Asia, will come to know the real God. Thank you for praying along with us. I have attached pictures of our trip and our neighbors.

Plan, Purpose and Power

Friday, July 20th, 2007

In our world of customized products and fast delivery, I sometimes get confused with the world and my spiritual life.  Lately God has been showing me that the path we are on is not my path, my family’s path or anyone else’s path, it is His path.  Two verses have illustrated this to me.  The first is Psalm 138:8 ESV “The LORD will fullfill his purpose for me;” and in 2 Thessolonians 1: 11 Paul prays “…, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power. 12. so THAT the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you….”

Wow, what verses to remember. I fall into the trap of thinking that I come up with the strategy and God is the great implementor.  The type of “I dream of jennie” type God that comes rushing in when I have trouble and sorts it out so I can finish my plans and make myself happy and comfortable.  I did not realize that this type of belief had so much of my mind when we left the U.S., but now I surely see that I struggle with this entitlement. This sin which my flesh believes gives me “rights” causes so much anxiety, pain, despair and loneliness.

Through our Father’s mercy and grace, I am starting to slowly re-learn that I have a purpose and plan for my life.  It is not mine, but it is God’s purpose.  He created me and the plan/purpose.  Now I go out and through His power I fulfill this purpose so that the wonderful name of Jesus is glorified.  When I meditate on this truth, I see how the Psalmist finishes the verse in 138:8 with “your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” In my words, “Lord don’t stop now and don’t forget me because I will drown in the mud slop of this world unless you provide the plan, purpose and power.”

Please be praying for us that we will have the resolve to lean on His power and that we will not feel entitled to certain plans, but to give up our life for His plan. This is the freedom that produces joy, hope, love, peace and faith. 

It reminds me of one of my favorite hymns:

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

God Bless,


Botanical Gardens and Mini-Zoo

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

After getting out the book A Parent’s Guide to Hong Kong for Kids that someone gave me when I got here, I am planning out everything I want to see and do with the girls. So, this Saturday we went to the Hong Kong Botanical Gardens and Zoo. It is near the center of town up on some little mountains. It even had a playground with swings, which are not easy to come by here. The girls had such a good time seeing all of the tropical plants and birds and monkeys and a jaguar. It was a bit hot and the walking was steep, but we made it until lunch time. We decided to be good and get the bus instead of paying the expensive taxi. The hardest part about getting around in Hong Kong is the bus system. It is hard to find the stops and which bus to take, and they come at random times. So, we waited and waited for the right bus to come and after more than 40 minutes, we were all so tired and confused and couldn’t believe we were just standing there so long on the side of the steep mountain road. So, we jumped on another bus we thought would be ok, and it took us toward the opposite side of the island from our house. Once we realized it, we jumped off and of course, caught the first taxi we could see. (Click here to view pictures)

Experiences like these are grounds for real spiritual growth. The family time at the Garden and Zoo was so fun. Then, we get to the bus stop and we almost fall apart in the heat, everyone’s tired, the cars and buses are smoggy, we keep standing and standing hoping to see our bus coming and each time, it’s not our bus. That is when living in a foreign land can get to you. But God was merciful and gave us the strength to endure and no one even yelled or fought with each other.

I feel entitled sometimes to the right to get where I want when I want. And I get upset when it doesn’t happen with efficiency and speed. But when it is out of my hands, I have no choice but to wait. Our time is so important, and we want to make use of every minute, but the moments waiting on the journey are just as important, maybe even the most important. In those moments, our true character shows. Will we respond with gentleness, patience, kindness and compassion or irritability, anxiety and rudeness? But when we remember that God holds the skys and seas and lands in his hand, it makes it easier to trust that even the waiting moments are in his hand, too.